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SISMEL Edizioni del Galluzzo
News - October 2021

Agostino Paravicini Bagliani talks about SISMEL and the MIRABILE Project
DATABASES - 22 Repertories divided in three databases (Medieval Latin, Romance, Hagiographic) - constantly updated
JOURNALS - 8 Journals edited by Sismel - Edizioni del Galluzzo. All the interactive PDF articles are linked to Authors, Works, Manuscripts and Subjects of the Mirabile database - yearly updated
MISCELLANEA - More than 120 miscellany volumes. All the interactive PDF essays are linked to Authors, Works, Manuscripts and Subjects of the Mirabile database - yearly updated
DIGITAL LIBRARY (free access) - 304 Medieval Latin Texts. All metadata link directly to the repertories (Bibliography, Authors, Works, Manuscripts) - constantly updated
LEXICONS (free access) - More than 20 Medieval Latin Lexicons in PDF - constantly updated
NEW: OPEN ACCESS PUBLICATIONS (free access) - A new section devoted to Journals, Miscellany Volumes, Monographies and Edition of Texts - constantly updated |
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Latest new publications of SISMEL - Edizioni del Galluzzo
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